Here I am

Here is a place where I can grow and mature, safely surrounded by love and adoration. May every puppy born be given the life I embark on.

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Went Herding again

I went herding again .... dang are those sheep fun!
I really "turned on" today .. I knew what I wanted and I was gonna get em good.
So good in fact I actually pushed one into the fence ... umm that got me in trouble so I won't do that no more!!
Well, I need to run .. its time to dye Easter eggs .. but I wanted to let you all see what I had done!
So here is real video of me herding sheep .... and some of my awesome sister Luna too!
Love Ms. Roo

1 comment:

Zip said...

Cool Roo,
Don't you just love chasing those things around? I do!
Lately, Tubbs, Racer, and Rookie have been the ones to play with our sheep. They're even entered in a Herding Trial, next month. Not me though, darn. I am having "flanking" issues, whatever that is.
Anyway, be a good little Roo, and have fun out there. Don't let the Black and White make you look bad. Use your brains, and out think those woolies.

Love Ya,