Courtesy of Rosemary Hoffman, this is me and Mommy just before we went in the ring for the first time!
Mommy says I was the best dog there! All the others were FAT and SHORT! I was a really good girl, I stood pretty and did exactly what Mommy told me to do... even though she screwed up and told me to do all the wrong things, or forgot to tell me what I was suppose to do! But, guess what??!! Even with Mommy screwing up all the time I got 2nd Place Saturday & Sunday ..which gives my my first 2 AKC Conformation ribbons!! YEA!!!
On Sunday Mommy & I were stopped by several ACD people, they all told Mommy don't give up! Your girl is beautiful .. and she would have won if you were a better handler!
Kim & Anne checked me out good after the show .. they checked my angles, my teeth, my croup, my stance, my gait everything .. and guess what ..they said they wouldn't change anything!! Except maybe those couple of teeth I am missing .. but guess what ... I am still getting adult teeth .. 2 new ones popped out between Sunday & Wednesday, and Mommy can feel one under my gums it was just waiting for the puppy tooth above it to come out ... which it did on Tuesday! "Mommy keeps saying I knew you were going to be a late bloomer ( all her girls even Momma C are late bloomers ) But good grief your teeth too???"
I just LOOOOVE making Momma B & Momma Jen nervous .. just look at how long I am growing my legs!!!
I love & miss you Momma Jen & Daddy Shamus!! Quit worrying so much ... I am done with my legs and am working on my teeth and chest now!!
Forever yours Cowcutta's Stack 'N the Deck ... AKA Ms. RooBee